Sunday, September 9, 2007

Blast from the Past

We invite any and all of you to submit blast from the past pictures! We thought that you might enjoy these photos as much as we do. I can never stop laughing when I see the one with Trev and Ty. Do you remember when they looked liked that? Enjoy!


Corinne said...

Woo hoo! I just bought a scanner- just in time. I'll try to find something that I can conbribute. You're guys are too fun!

Becca said...

Hello, fellow midwesterners (We live in Illinois). I love all the pictures. Such great memories. It has been so fun to read your blog. Your family is so cute adn you guys look so happy and look like life is treating you well. This is Becca Robison(Miller). I would love to hear from you. My e-mail address is

Anonymous said...

WOW. Jess that is a funny picture of you and Johnny and Jaimie. She was such a cute little thing! Well she still is pretty cute. Johnny looks kinda like Kalvin don't you think? Love ya! Janice

Emily said...

Jess, that is definitely one of our most flattering pics together. Oh, I loved those horses. His name was Charr. Man, I remember learning all the scientific names of those desert plants and now I can't remember any sort of name for them. Remember the yellow knee length raincoats we wore and all those smashed pb and jelly sandwiches. I remember having dirt stains on my face from my contacts the eastern Idaho wind combo. Oh how fun. Thanks for the memory.

AJHEG said...

Blast from the Past... that all depends on whose past you are displaying. Wow those are great memories I can't stop laughing at how ridiculous we all were back in the day. Unfortunately I don't think our kids stand a chance.

Niki Carter said...

So I finally got on! Your fammily looks so much alike! Wow! I thought your sister was you at a glance a couple of times. You look great and your little boy is a cutie! Adam is growing up so fast, trying to walk, standing by himself, waving and saying Audrey and Rach, Mommy and daddy! Time flies! Niki

Krisser said...

It is so hysterical to see these pictures and remember all of these people I miss. As I sit here and remember seeing Trevor and Tyson with this crimped hair, I can't remember if it was a regular occurence, I'm hoping for their sake it wasn't. It's good to get caught up on your family!

TREV said...

I just can't figure out how you were able to make my hair look like that. Someone has some amazing computer skills!! Seriously, I believe that we did that with the hope that when heading the soccer ball, it would create some dynamic movement, leaving the opposite team utterly astonished. Right? Thanks for the memory!

erin said...

Ha ha! Tyson, it's Erin Gardner Langstraat. I stumbled across your blog today and I got a great laugh from the blast from the past! I totally remember the days you looked like that! Looks like you have a beautiful family! It's good to see that you're doing well!!

Quinn said...

Whoo hoo! I just found your blog. Happy day. You'll have to check out our blog sometime too. Hope you guys are doing great.

Paige said...

Hey Tyson! It's Paige Gibson--now Cavan. I found your blog through the grapevine. Hopefully you'll get this sometime since this is back from September. Anyways, your family is so cute and I loved seeing the pictures! Check out our blog sometime:

Christy said...

haha! Hi Tyson, this is Christy Newman Hodges, I didn't get to look at your blog very long the other day, my girls started crying... those pictures are so funny!! I was excited to come across yor blog the other day.I have enjoyed reading your blog, I hope you don't mind. Your wife is beautiful and your little boy is so adroable! It's good to see that you are doing well. Our blog is